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Aviation Scholarship Opportunities

©, young people, aviation, Clear Lake Splash In, Cessna 206, AHLC3934
The volunteer Sea Scouts help Chris Brown reposition his turbo Cessna 206
N247CB, at the Clear Lake Seaplane Splash-In
Lakeport, Lake County, California
Image ID: AHLC0394
© Herb Lingl/
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Clear Lake Flying Club maintains a listing of currently available aviation scholarships. If you offer an aviation scholarship or are aware of an aviation scholarship not listed here, please let us know about it.

Where the deadline for this year has already passed, we list the latest scholarship information if it is annually awarded. If our information needs to be updated, please contact us.

Aviation scholarships include:

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) offers a number of aviation scholarships annually.

These include:

The AOPA High School Flight Training Scholarship, established in cooperation with the Ray Foundation, offers scholarships to high school students. In 2021 80 high school students, ages 15-18, will receive $10,000 flight training scholarships. Scholarship recipients will be able to use the money for direct flight training expenses to pursue a primary pilot certificate, such as a private, sport, or recreational pilot certificate. They must also complete a flight training milestone, achieving either solo or earning a primary pilot certificate, within one year of receiving a scholarship.

The AOPA Teacher Flight Training Scholarship, established in cooperation with the Ray Foundation, offers scholarships to teachers teaching the AOPA High School Aviation STEM Curriculum. In 2021 20 high school teachers, will receive $10,000 flight training scholarships to pursue a primary pilot certificate such as a private, sport, or recreational pilot certificate.

The AOPA Primary Flight Training Scholarship, funded by donations to the AOPA Foundation, offers scholarships to current AOPA members who are at least 16 years of age. Scholarship awards range from $2500 to $7500. The scholarship award can be applied to training for a private pilot, sport pilot, or recreational pilot certificate.

The AOPA Advanced Rating Scholarship. The AOPA Foundation awards various scholarships to current AOPA members who are seeking the following ratings or certificates: Instrument, Commercial, Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument (CFII) and Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI). Scholarship awards range from $3000 to $10,000.

For additional infomation about AOPA scholarships, please visit AOPA Aviation Scholarships.

Experimental Aircraft Association

The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) distributes more than $1 million annually in aviation scholarships.

These include:

Flight Training Scholarships. Most EAA Flight Training Scholarships have a minimum award of $5000. Flight training scholarships may be used at any flight school in the United States and Canada that is not a university program. A student may apply for a flight training scholarship at any point in his or her training.

Post-Secondary Scholarships. EAA awards more than $75,000 annually for students attending a post-secondary institution with a focus on aviation, including pilot training, aeronautics engineering, aviation management, airframe and powerplant (A&P) maintenance. Post-secondary scholarships may be used for collegiate level programs in the U.S. including but not limited to: aerospace, aviation training, aerospace or aeronautical engineering, aviation management, air traffic control, A&P certification, commercial airline pilot, or any STEM field.

Ray Aviation Scholarships. Through the support of the Ray Foundation, the EAA awards approximately $1,200,000 annually to deserving youths for their flight training expenses. Scholarships are awarded through the EAA Chapters in amounts up to $10,000 each.

Air Academy Camperships. EAA awards grants of a minimum of $500 each, to enable recipients to explore the world of aviation at EAA Air Academy camps in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

For additional infomation about EAA scholarships, please visit EAA Aviation Scholarships.

Seaplane Pilots Association

Tyler Orsow/Chuck Kimes Memorial Seaplane Rating Scholarship. The Seaplane Pilots Foundation distributes scholarships to applicants 17 to 25 years of age to fund a fully paid seaplane rating to young career track pilots.

For additional infomation about this seaplane rating scholarship, please visit Tyler Orsow/Chuck Kimes Memorial Seaplane Rating Scholarship.

If you are aware of an aviation scholarship that the Clear Lake Flying Club should consider adding to this listing, please contact us.

© Copyright 2021 by Clear Lake Flying Club